Monday, April 19, 2010

Tax Day

Boy scouts passed us again before we left camp (they had slept 4mi back). Damn those boy scouts and their slave-driver scoutmasters. Don't recall too much about actual hiking on this day. Think we got pretty sunburned. Went through Woody Gap around mile 20 on the trail where folks sometimes catch a ride back to Hiker Hostel for a night in Dahlonega. Hiked about 8mi total to Woods Hole shelter which was a staggering 0.4mi off the trail. Bleh.

Maui Bob was there, as were Rasberry and Raindancer, two girls who had just gotten out of the peace corps. Or I think they had quit after a year. They kept referring to each other as 'Buddy' which got annoying immediately if not sooner. Quite nice though, otherwise. They had dehydrated so much food to bring - I recall thinking, wow they have their shit together. But maybe they just didn't appreciate pre-packaged, uber-processed knorr ride sides like I did. I think we made the trader joe's lasagna that night for dinner actually which was kinda gross. OH! Brian was there too. He and Maui Bob tented and the rest slept in the shelter.

The bear showed up right after dark hit. Apparently the left outside bear cable was a bit too close to the tree trunk than it should have been and the bear had been showing up the past three nights to swipe it...something we maybe should've paid attention to in the shelter log. It got Brian's food and took off up the hill. Still shook me up a little bit knowing it was right out there. It probably got tranquilized and relocated shortly thereafter. Did finally end up getting to sleep that night.

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