Monday, April 19, 2010

April 14th-ness

Well the boyscouts were up and out early from the shelter. We were the last one's to leave I think. It was cold and rainy. Took off down Hawk Mtn and there were a couple of climbs in the morning if I can recall - first stab at PUDs and MUDs on the AT. We walked by Pierre who had tented right off the trail pretty early on. Then the SUN CAME OUT!! Huge. First sun I saw on the trail. Got to Gooch Mtn Shelter early afternoon and we hung around a bit with Josiah, Kindman and Pierre. I recall I made coffee, in a shocking twist of events. Gave the harmonica a first try as well - no strides were made there. We decided to hike on to Gooch Gap 4mi up and camp there. Maui Bob, Kindman and the couple from Virginia Beach were there as well. Maui Bob helped me hang the bearbag in a nearby tree, tried to teach me some knots. Good man. He was from Bucks County, PA and now lives in Maui. Think he's a professional photographer of sorts? He was carrying some obscene camera equipment weight - 12 lbs or something? He was gearin' up for a shakedown at Neels Gap.

Trader Joe's tortellini that night. I accidentally knocked over the pot and stove while it was cooking starting a minor forest-fire with the denatured alcohol. One of many 'amateur' moments to come. It was definitely really windy that night and the first night we tented in my tiny Eureka solo tent. Slept like a baby though.

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