Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Yes... behind THIS tree!

It's Kelley here. Since I’m now the only person who's hiked with Kim on the AT and yet to blog... I’m feeling a little guilty!

As Momma Kath (Highlife) stepped off the trail in northern NJ, I swapped in to start my 48 hr adventure across the NJ-NY border. Before beginning the trek, Blue Sky, Greenlite, Highlife and I sat down at a restaurant for some lunch where I mentioned I really wanted to get a trail name - I wanted to be like the cool kids - though I think I opened my mouth too soon. Kath had apparently already had one in mind: "BB"... which stands for "Big Boobs"... great - thanks Mom. Since I wasn’t quick enough to come up w/ a better alternative, "BB" stuck though Kim did add "Guns" on the end the next day... and so began my adventure on the trail as "BB Guns".

My observations from Trail-life:
1. My little sister is a beast - and I mean that in the best way possible! Kim realized after lunch she left something at the house they stayed at the night before, so while Kath drove her back to get it, I started off w/ Greenlite. My first few hours of hiking was all uphill going up the side of a mountain - it sucked (and even more so since I forgot my inhaler). I totally thought it would take most the day for her to catch up to us as we had about an hour head start. I thought we (and by we, I mean me) were moving at a decent pace - but no, I turn around about 2hrs into the hike during a quick break in order to catch my breath, and Kim is running up the trail behind us and seemingly barely breaking a sweat. I was super impressed with her speed and strength - and that was only the tip of the iceberg of things I witnessed over the 2 days that left me in awe of my sister.

2. Hikers smell... I mean - they REALLY SMELL. I was seriously offended by their stench - but I guess that's what happens when you sweat profusely and wear the same clothes practically every day. I mean, sure they get to "wash" their clothes every few days... but it gets rid of the dirt/mud... not the smell. I got made fun of (one of the many instances - you already heard about the tree comment) when I added my deodorant to the bear bag. Kim, Greenlite and Sir Richard (a funny Brit who hiked w/ us that day) expressed their disbelief in unison that I actually brought deodorant onto the trail. I was in disbelief they didn’t have any... but they claim it does no good (I still beg to differ). Apparently Kim no longer smells the stench of herself or other hikers... she only can smell clean people, like me. Upon reaching Mt. Katadhin, I will personally burn all her clothes and then my present to her will be a day at a spa to clean her up before re-entering civilization! (Note to Kim: this is non-negotiable)

3. I seriously thought hitch-hiking ended in the 1970s. In a 24hr span - I got to hitch-hike 3 times... twice w/ Kim and once by myself (kinda - it was random but pre-arranged). I hope it’s the only three times I ever do it. We finished our hiking on the 4th of July and were trying to reach Greenlite and Sir Richard who were about 10driving miles away from us sitting at a "Pizzeria Uno in a strip mall in Harriman, NY". (those were our directions to meet them). I tried to call taxi services (I live in a city - it's what I do) but Kim was able to flag down a truck before they picked up the phone. He drove us down to the main road that led into Harriman but was heading in the opposite direction from there. Next we flagged down a bus right as we were about to give up and walk after 20 unsuccessful minutes of standing there... it was seriously like the last scene from Dumb and Dumber sans hawaiian tropic models. Bus goes by us, driver hits the brakes, bus stops 100ft down the road... door opens. Magical. My last experience was probably my favorite because it was so absurd. Since the taxi service wasn’t open and I could barely walk 10ft let alone 5 miles to the train station, I got a lift from the night receptionist who was finishing his shift at the ghetto motel we stayed at on 4th of July in his corvette... um yes... corvette.

4. Trail is way more difficult that I would have thought, both mentally and physically, and I was hiking in an easier section. The 24 miles I traversed was either on a ridgeline or ascending/descending small mountains. The few flat areas we encountered, the path had turned to mud from all the rain. Gross. I will admit, the last 5 miles we hiked - I developed a mild case of Tourettes and would just yell random profanities as I aggravated one of my seven blisters or slipped off a rock and my foot went into stream. It wasn’t my finest moment. But at the end of the day, when you hit your destination, kick off the shoes and crack open a beer - it's sweet heaven.

24 miles over a day and half was more than enough for me - knowing that Kim has done 20+ miles a day for over 3 months is just beyond impressive and I have such a respect for her determination and perseverance. This is not a feat I would/could undertake and it’s such a huge accomplishment for anyone who can complete the full trail (which I know Kim will). As Kim's big sister - I’m used to being the planner, the one in charge, and the one to try things first. Yet here I was in a complete role reversal watching Kim blaze her own trail (pun intended) where she was the one leading, being the responsible one, and giving me instructions/directions. It was a pretty awesome thing to see and experience. I've missed "my dimmy" the past few months since I don’t get to speak to her everyday, so it was great to spend a quality few days with her and experience a nice small slice of Kim's life on the AT. I left the trail Sunday morning a very proud big sister. And as I sat unable to physically move on the trains back home to Philadelphia (with Momma Kath's 70s ski poles and exercise mat on my pack - yes I looked super cool in NY Penn Stn), Kimmy was off again to hike another 25 miles that day.

Good Luck Dim... while I wont be able to be waiting for you at Mt. Katadhin - I have a super-size bottle of Jack (the good stuff) waiting for you at my party Aug 22nd!

- BB Guns; Trail Life: 7/3/09-7/5/09

1 comment:

  1. I totally would have brought deoderant... :)
